Kamiwaza: Way of the Thief will be released in the West in 2022 physical release confirmed

NIS America has announced that it will release Kamiwaza: Way of the Thief in the West. Originally released for PlayStation 2 in 2006, the Stealth-style game didn't leave Japan.


Set during the Edo period of Japan, Kamiwaza stars amateur thief Ebizo, who aspires to steal from the rich and give to the poor. But after a catastrophically violent heist, Ebizo rescues the only survivor—a girl named Suzuna—and leaves the dangerous life of thievery behind, that is, until Suzuna falls ill. With no other option to afford her medicine, Ebizo returns to the seedy underbelly of Mikado. Even as a thief, will you walk the path of honor for the sake of family? The choice is yours to make.

There is no release date yet, but Amazon is already accepting pre-orders here.

Check-out the trailer:

